Spring and Summer internships have been filled for 2024. We currently have opening for 2024 Fall/Winter and will start accepting 2025 Spring and Summer applications in Oct 2024 with selections happening in Dec 2024.
Golden Oaks is proud to offer exciting internship opportunities for college students who are interested in further developing their skills and knowledge of herdsmanship, nutrition, reproduction, management, and genetics. Internships are available year-round, but are most common in the summer months. The time and duration of the internship can be flexible and modified to fit each student’s schedule.
Since the induction of the internship program in 1998, Golden Oaks has provided internships for over 40 students from 12 different universities and 5 separate countries. Interns will find themselves not only fully integrated in day-to-day activities, but also have the opportunity to attend industry events, sales, shows, and farm tours. Each student is provided with a salary, housing, and a scholarship towards tuition at their respective school.
Internship Application
Golden Oaks Farm Internship Overview
Safety Policies and Procedures Training
-Animal Handling - Equipment Safety
Animal Handling and Management
Herd Health
- Disease/Injury Prevention - Disease/Injury Signs & Symptoms
- Treatments/Vaccination - Vet Herd Check and Communication
Calving and Calf Care
Heat Detection
Nutrition/ TMR Ration Management - Nutritionist Communication
TMR Software and Management - Dairy Software and Management
Milking Parlor
Overall Milking Operation and Management
- Milking Policy and Procedures - Time and Frequency of milking
Crops and Custom Farming
Custom Farming Procedures and Management
Corp Management
Genetic and Show Livestock
Handling and Care of Genetic/Show animals
- Hand milking - Halter Training - Housing
Nutrition Management
Embryo Transfer
AI Training
ET Breeding
IVF Procedures
Genomic mix testing
DHIA testing
Holstein Association Registration process
Operation and Maintenance
Farm Equipment
Manure Management and Importance
Sand Separator
Education and Commutation
Opportunities for Onsite/Offsite Training and Seminars
Providing Tours for School groups and World of Dairy Expo participants, etc.
Learning how to commutate with Vets, Nutritionist, Genetic Specialist and fellow colleagues